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Thursday, November 18, 2010

wind power park at cijin

this wind power park is located at cijin kaohsiung erected facing the beach,one of the most visited park in cijin not only because of the seven wind power standing there but also because of the beautiful views of the waves coming from the sea...if you are a nature lover you will appreciate more the scenery coming from the sea waves and those kites flying at the sky..there was a rain that day so my photos are a bit dark,i guess i need to return there by 2011 at summer time again because i am sure that until now the remains of typhoon last month was still there(i saw it on the news)i ask hubby to check that out after the typhoon but he told me it's quite dangerous to go there because we saw the water coming from the sea is really too high and it almost coming through the highway...


Anonymous said...

Forces - may they continue to treat you all kind.

daily athens

jack69 said...

Great design on the wind machines. Also some very good pictures. Many areas are going to the use of the wind. For centuries it has powered our boats, now it can power some houses.
Take care, good entry.

Jim said...

How interesting. Good shots.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

zebzeb said...

nice shots! keep up the good work! :D

Joanne Olivieri said...

Fascinating to learn more about these wind powered machines. Great photos and very detailed.

Carver said...

Those are interesting looking windmills. Great shots.

Indrani said...

Great shots of the giant machines against the sky. :)

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots. A park for wind towers, unique.

Serline said...

It is a non-stop battle of wits between the forces of nature and human endeavors...

Lucy said...

Your pictures are always so good. Your words also. Come and visit this old lady once in a while.

Life Moto said...

hope to to visit Ilocos someday to see one like these wind power.

abbott.simth said...

pleasant and magnificent photo shared we can be know that and enjoy it in this photo so fantastic photo.

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