it is one of the unfinished project of the kaohsiung government located at nanzou district,im not sure how long they planned to finished this bridge but as far as i know it's been a year now since the first time i saw this bridge and everytime i can see it i always utter the words when are you going to be finish so i can take more photos of you lol!good thing is that on the night the bridge looks awesome though it is still not finish.

Good photos for sure. It looks like an engineering marvel with style included. That is a long time to build. Maybe lack of money?
TAke care. & Thanks.
«Louis» is delighted that you've joined Sunday Bridges this week!
He is happy to post the link for you.
I wonder what could be reason for the unfinished bridge, could be the funding?
Glad you noticed!
Looks as if you found the beginning of a dream, connecting what once was apart. Wishing you a great start into the new week.
Beautiful photography !
@jack and ebie,
Im n0t sure yet if what is the real reas0n f0r the unfinished bridge,maybe it c0uld be years to finish, im g0ing to ask a taiwanese next time to read the chinese characters written at the sign board in fr0nt of the gate but im sure it's n0t the funding c0'z taiwan g0vernment is always willing to spend much 0n such kind of imfrastructure y0u will see next time I p0st a very expensive bridge,that alm0st spend billi0ns nt$ in building and there's still an0ther unfinish bridge near at 2009 w0rld game stadium,m0re huge and m0re beautiful 0nce it's d0ne.
One day I hope that you will drive across it!
Happy Blue Monday!
An unfinished bridge with a mysterious history! I'd be curious to know what happened.
Very interesting structures...Happy Blue Monday.
Do they plan on finishing it, maybe a money problem. I would like to see it completed. Nice photos, have a great week!
Hope they will finish the bridge people would for sure love it. Happy Monday!
MYM~Yellow Dahlia
Great captures!
Happy Blue Monday.
Enjoy your week.
The miracle when a piece of metal turns into such a beauty, due to human mind and work.
great architecture! thanks for sharing :)
u may view mine here
Great pic even though the bridge is unfinished. Have a great week. ~Karen
very curious and thought provoking blue!
breathtaking shots...
mine is here
Un puente impresionante. Gracias por tu visita y comentarios
I hope everything is okay with you.
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