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Sunday, June 6, 2010

the red bridge

taken last month at kangshan,kaohsiung when i had a chance to take days off...i usually enjoy bridges in taiwan even before i was in taipei...some bridges are really so cool especially on the night and this one is no exemption to them though it is just so simple on daytime but there is so much beauty on the night that is why a lot of couples/lovers are here on the night enjoying the view  of the bridge and the cool weather as well.... if only this place is near to my home i would love to stay here for an hour but sad to say it is less than 2hrs away from my home....and i don't want to be in a hurry  going home especially using motorcycle is not good at night..there are so many cars making its ways into the highway for them to get home early......i took different times so you can compare how it looks like on the night and on daytime.

to see more of fun memes around the world please click  the logo and visit any of the them and im linking this post to..... sunday bridges,blue monday ,yellow mellow mondayruby tuesday


jack69 said...

I like the red bridge. mainly because it looks so sturdy. It appears to have been built to have maximum weight limit.
Good comparisions, day & dark.
CAreful on the motorcycle!

Anonymous said...

With not many bridges over here, it was for sure a joy to see. Once we were asked to build a bridge with raw spaghetti at the university. Thank you for the memories. Please have always a safe road ahead of you and a nice start into the new week as well.

daily athens

Oakland Daily Photo said...

You've put in a lot of work on this. It's the motorcycle equivalent of drive-by picture taking from a car. Thanks for the view.

VioletSky said...

this has an unusually heavy arch. yet it still looks elegant, in a chunky kind of way.

Joanne Olivieri said...

I like the style of this bridge and the transformation shots from day to night, very cool.

SmilingSally said...

Your link to Blue Monday is defective. Please correct it and come back to link in.

Angie said...

Nice shots. Thanks for your visit, btw the yellow flowers are Gazania.

☺lani☺ said...

Thanks for dropping, no I'm not vegetarian but I eat less meat and I don't eat pork.
Have a great wekk!

ilovepink1078 said...

I like the yellow one. Very stunning. Thanks for sharing.

MAPEH homepage
Pink Go Green

Ingrid said...

Never seen a red bridge ! real beautiful !

Anonymous said...

I like your blog,... nice post keep blogging...

Regina said...

Nice bridges. Great captures.
Happy Monday.

Rajesh said...

That is a beautiful bridge.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful bridge. Thanks for the visit!

SmilingSally said...

Interesting to show different times of the day. Happy Blue Monday.

Lola said...

Great red bridge!

Wishing you a Happy Ruby Tuesday!


PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me.

Annie Jeffries said...

You just have to love it when one picture can serve so many photo meme purposes. Happy cycling!

Lucy said...

Bridge is really captivating to look at and especially at night.

EG CameraGirl said...

How nice that you showed us the daytime and nighttime views!

reg said...

That is a wonderful and beautiful Bridge. It is nice to see community pride in such structures

Sylvia K said...

Magnificent bridge and really terrific captures considering you were on a motorcycle! Do take care! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!


Kim, USA said...

Love the different colors. Happy Monday!

Blue Jar

MYM~Asiatic Lily

Photo Cache said...

Love to capture bridges too. I have seen a handful of bridges with this design here. But never in red or orange, or whatever color they call that. It is very appealing to the eyes.

Verna Luga said...

Nice scenes.... love the different times this bridge was photographed...

Joined Ruby Tuesday too HERE, See You!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Lovely red bridge.

Marice said...

wonderful shots of that amazing architecture! :) thanks for sharing these to us!

xinex said...

Beautiful photos! I love taking pictures of bridges too. I think they are very interesting...Christine

magiceye said...

beautifully captured images!!

looking forward to meeting momo soon!

Leslie D. said...

Excellent choice for a bridge photo! Beutiful and simple in its design.

Al said...

Simple but functional, and very sturdy looking. It does look nice, especially at night.

Carver said...

What a beautiful bridge and great shots.

cai - said...

Nice photos!

If your interested check out my new photo challenge website,
A new photo challenge evey week, check it out...its abit different from the others.

have a good one!

Rajesh said...

Very nice and bright bridge.

Marites said...

i like it too. nice shots.

A 2 Z said...

Great post. Very informative. Thanks for sharing.

Anne-Marie (new follower)

alicesg said...

Very beautiful day and night photos of the bridge.

Unknown said...

this is cool!

My Family Daily Adventure said...

wow beautiful yellow place

Hootin Anni said...

I have this bridge's scary to me...but I do like the fact it's painted red.

My R T is "lady in red"...a portrait of my daughter. Come by and view her if you can find time, I'd love your visit!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Blue: That was a neat showing of the little bridge.

DeniseinVA said...

What a lovely bridge. I enjoy looking at them too. I liked all the various times of the day you chose. Always gives it such a different look.

Raven said...

There really is something special about bridges. I agree with you about the simplicity of this one. Very nice.

Gizelle said...

The bridge looks so strong and almighty with the blue around. Great shots!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Very sturdy bridge, I suppose it is earthquarke sound.

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